Brian Richter: Lifetime Achievement Award (2018)


Brian Richter has been a global leader in water science and conservation for more than 30 years.  He is the president of Sustainable Waters, a global water education organization, where he promotes sustainable water use and management with governments, corporations, universities, and local communities. He previously served as Managing Director for the Global Water Program of The Nature Conservancy, an international conservation organization.  He has consulted on more than 150 water projects worldwide and developed numerous scientific tools and methods to support river protection and restoration efforts, including the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration software that is being used by water managers and scientists worldwide. He has published many scientific papers on the importance of ecologically sustainable water management in international science journals. He co-authored a book with Sandra Postel entitled Rivers for Life: Managing Water for People and Nature. His latest book, Chasing Water: A Guide for Moving from Scarcity to Sustainability, has now been published in five languages.

Accomplishments are about more than water. He has influenced the work of so many researchers who use methods he helped develop, hundreds of students, and improved the lives of countless others around the world who benefit from abundant clean water drawn from rivers he’s helped restore. The Instream Flow Council is honored to present Brian Richter the IFC’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Presented April 25, 2018 in Fort Collins, Colorado at FLOW 2018

Last Updated May 13, 2019