Support the IFC

The Instream Flow Council currently obtains its financing from agency membership fees (nominal), book sales, and grants. Also critical to our work is the time our member agencies allow their staff to work on Council projects and the uncompensated time our members volunteer to IFC. We greatly appreciate all these sources and their contribution to the work of IFC.

If you would like to donate to IFC, or have suggestions for additional funding, please contact us.

As of 5/1/2008, IFC is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization. This means that all direct donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and you will receive a receipt with this information for your tax records. IFC is also qualified to receive gifts, bequests, and transfers under Sections 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the US Internal Revenue Code. Thank you for your interest in supporting IFC’s work.