Dr. Peter Moyle: Making a Difference Award (2018)

Dr. Peter Moyle has been instrumental in setting the precedence for water policy and use of instream flows in river restoration for more than 40 years.  His testimony in the Putah Creek and San Joaquin River litigations in the 1980s and 1990s were the first to interpret California Fish and Game Code section 5937 as requiring that dam operators provide water for fish.  His testimony set the requirement that sufficient water must be provided to maintain fish and their populations “in good condition” and continues to shape California instream flows.  He has authored or co-authored more than 250 publications centered on fish conservation, many speaking to the use of instream flows and the importance of flow management.  For inspiring another generation to think holistically about instream flows for fish conservation, the Instream Flow Council is honored and grateful to present the Making a Difference Award to Dr. Peter Moyle.

Presented April 25, 2018 in Fort Collins, Colorado at FLOW 2018

Last Updated May 13, 2019